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At South Camberley Primary School, our intent is to provide our junior students with an engaging and accessible French curriculum that inspires them to develop a love for languages and deepens their understanding of French culture.  

Our aim is to ensure that all pupils acquire skills that will enable them to communicate effectively in French both orally and in writing. We foster our students’ curiosity by enabling them to explore different aspects of French language and culture.  

Through our French curriculum, our students’ knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure develops across a variety of topics, each unit providing them with opportunities to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. We want our pupils to appreciate the value of learning a foreign language. Our aim is for students to develop an understanding of how languages and international relationships can enrich their lives. 


The implementation of our French curriculum is guided by the scheme ‘Language Angels’- this supports our teachers who are non specialist language teachers. Instructional language teaching is supplemented by cultural resources such as songs, videos, and texts, to expose pupils to real-world French language and culture. Topics are sequenced and taught progressively so that students can apply prior knowledge to their learning.  

French lessons are delivered for one hour each week. Lessons for Years Five and Six are delivered by a French specialist teacher through links with our local secondary school, and lessons for Years Three and Four are delivered by the class teacher. All teachers use a variety of teaching strategies to engage and challenge students, including written tasks, games, whole-class activities and group work. Teachers model pronunciation of French vocabulary (assisted through Language Angels) and encourage students to converse with their peers to practice their oral language skills. 

Students at the junior site have the opportunity to grow their love for languages through teacher-led clubs. In the past, this has included enrichment in Spanish and Latin. 


Through our French curriculum at South Camberley, we aim to develop confident and capable language learners who can independently communicate in French with increasing fluency and accuracy as they progress through their junior years of schooling. We expect our pupils to show curiosity about the French language and culture and to have a positive attitude towards language learning. 

We evaluate the impact of our curriculum through engaging with the pupil voice, examining student work and through observing the implementation of French lessons.  

Ultimately, our aim is for our pupils to leave South Camberley Primary School with a solid foundation in French, enabling them to continue their language learning journey with confidence and enthusiasm in their secondary education and into adulthood.