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When we consider trips, visiting speakers, workshops or enrichment days within school, we think about how they will enhance the curriculum and depth of knowledge for our pupils as well as offering experiences that some pupils may not otherwise have and that may inspire them to dream big!

During the time that pupils attend South Camberley we want them to benefit from some key experiences such as:

  • Attending residential trips with their teachers and peers to develop self-confidence, take risks and develop essential team-building skills

  • Visit different kinds of museums linked to art and design, science, history and geography

  • Visit ‘living museums’ such as Windsor Castle, Portsmouth Dockyard – primary sources which really bring history to life

  • Visit places of worship in order to further understand the major religions of the world

  • See music being performed live through local and national theatre, from visiting musicians and at other schools

  • Have opportunities to perform themselves in front of live audiences: Primary Music Festival and Primary Festival of Song at local venues, drumming / ukelele / guitar showcases to parents, class assemblies, musical showcases, spelling bee, performance poetry etc.

  • Bringing stories and some of the texts they study to life through seeing live performances by visiting poets, authors, illustrators, theatre companies and watching performances at local and national theatres

  • Visit places and do extensive fieldwork in our local area so they have a further understanding and appreciation of the community in which they live

  • Take part in whole school themed days and weeks which are designed to immerse our pupils in a subject

Here are just some of the educational visits & experiences the children currently access:

  • Nursery: Travelling Theatre Production, Living Eggs, Little Street/ Imagination,

  • YR: Mini- Bus Ride, Travelling Theatre Production, Road Safety Magic Show, Chessington Aquarium

  • Y1: Portsmouth Dockyard, Polka Theatre

  • Y2: Windsor Castle, Great Fire of London experience, local church visit

  • Y3: Butser Ancient Farm, Stone Age experience, visiting the Yehudi Menhuin School of music, residential to Marchants Hill

  • Y4: Farnham Museum, Camberley Theatre, residential to Marchants Hill

  • Y5: Science Museum, The Tower of London, Kew Gardens, Rose Theatre, residential to Osmington Bay

  • Y6: Henley Fort, Thorpe Park, The Globe Theatre, Tate Modern Gallery, The Houses of Parliament

  • Visiting speakers and workshops such as: Peer Productions – developing friendships, Beatrice Gould – Holocaust survivor, Anthony Bennet – inspiration speaker, MC Grammar – music and grammar, NSPCC, Road Safety

  • Whole school themed days and weeks: World Book Day, Numbers Day, Sing Up Day, Food Technology Week, art gallery, Well Being Wednesdays, Sports Week, STEM Week

Every trip is reviewed and we do not always do the same trips every year. We aim to balance learning experiences with affordability and impact. In order to cover the cost of the activity, we do ask for a  contribution of funds.  We also aim to raise money to put towards these trips and experiences through cake sales, film nights, sponsored events. Whilst this contribution is voluntary, we can unfortunately only go ahead with these enriching experiences for children with parental support. If we do not receive sufficient contributions then we may not be able to proceed with the trip.

Payments are made through SCOpay.